Filter Socks
Gullywasher's filter socks act as a barrier that not only creates a clarification effect that settles solids, but they also remove contaminants from stormwater as it flows through our filter socks. We offer solutions using several mediums that have our high standard materials.
Bio-Char Filter Berms
If you need to remove metals and solids. This can be the solution. Our Filter berms contain a specifically designed fast flow BioChar blend to filter out contaminants and remove dissolved metals in application when there is no residence time. Our product works.
Bio-Char Pillows
If you have an odd shape outfall, we can help you get the custom sized bio-char pillow to treat your outfall before discharging. Stay compliant using this inexpensive solution.
Biochar Filter Berm with Sand Weighted Base
This filter sock provides a heavy porous barrier to berm around sensitive areas like catch basins, outfalls and heavy solids-laden sheet flow. The sand base will hold the Biochar Filter Berm in-place while letting stormwater flow through while clarifying and removing contaminants. Our Biochar Filter Berm is 6" wide by 6" tall and available in 4', 8', 12' lengths and comes standard with straps.
Sodium Exchange Media Blankets
When you don’t have residence time, you need a media that is able to exchange metals for sodium in a fraction of a second. And this is exactly what our sodium exchange media does. We can design this blanket to add to your outfall prior to discharge in order to remove solids and metals.