Our Bio-Filter Solutions
Gullywasher has proprietary treatment technology for all industry sizes.
Upflow Solutions
Our flagship product uses two treatment stages with upflow technologies that uses biochar media that can strip out contaminants. We have third party laboratory data that shows up to 99.7% of zinc.
moreDownflow Solutions
Our downflow filters are engineered to remove stormwater contaminants and easier on your checkbook. The maintenance of these BioDown filters is easy and can be placed under a downspout or to a pump and treat solution.
moreVault Solutions
A perfect solution for facilities who cannot spare any space on their property for a stormwater treatment system. The vault type Biofilter uses gravity flow and our biochar mixes to treat the stormwater. If you already have a vault, we can actually make it into a Biofilter.
moreUpflow Solutions
The heart of our BioUP treatment process is our gravity-based, dual-stage upflow Biofilters using organic, carbon negative media to strip out the stormwater contaminants. Our dual-stage BioUP filters remove metals from stormwater by removing large suspended solids in the first filter stage. Then in the second treatment stage, we purify the stormwater through adsorption, ion exchange, complexing and chelating in an upflow process. Our upflow filter design produces flow capacities 5X higher than any downflow filter design.

55 BioUP Biofilters
The Gullywasher Dual Stage 55 BioUP Biofilter provides long term treatment consistency by ensuring against channeling the flows through our proprietary Biochar media. Our 55 gallon units are small enough to fit through 30” doorways and fit into very tight spaces.
275 BioUP Biofilters
The Gullywasher Dual Stage 275 BioUP Biofilter is a passive stormwater purification filter consisting of two 275-gallon chemical totes. An interconnecting hose assembly takes the filtered water from the first stage to the second stage. The upflow process gives the system the dynamics to maximize pollutant removal.
moreVault Biofilters
We can always install an underground vault and make it a biofilter, but more often than not, we see existing outfalls that can function as a biofilter. If your site topography is ideal for an underground vault or you already have an underground vault, we can turn it into a Vault type biofilter. The vault type Biofilters have been involved in many of our success stories.